Ringing in the ears or tinnitus is one of the most annoying problems you can get with your hearing. Sometimes the ringing is constant and goes on for hours and other times it comes and goes. The ringing can be temporary or become permanent and it can occur in the left or right ear or both at the same time. Tinnitus makes it hard to concentrate on anything and makes hearing even more difficult, but what causes it?
8 Causes of Ringing in the Ears
1. Age related hearing loss (Presbycusis) As we get older the parts of the ear can deteriorate and not function so well. This means that the part of the brain which receives the signal from the ear doesn’t get as much information as it’s used to and strains to get more sound causing the ringing sound we hear.
2. Ear infections Parts of the ear can become inflamed and result in a temporary loss of hearing and a ringing sound. You should consult a GP if you suspect this cause so that it doesn’t worsen.
3. Earwax congestion in one or both ears Congestion in the ear due to excessive ear wax is a common problem and easy to solve. We sell a range of ear cleaning products to help you remove wax buildup and keep your ears clean.
4. Continuous or abrupt loud noises Listening to extra loud sounds, working in a place with high noise levels or sudden bangs over 120dB can cause damage to the hearing nerve. This can cause temporary or even permanent ringing noises in the ears.
5. Health problems Otosclerosis, Acoustic Neuroma, Arteriovenous malformations, high blood pressure as well as head or neck injuries, including problems with the Temporomandibular Joint.
6. Neurologic (like a stroke) or metabolic disorders It is important to get conditions like these diagnosed quickly. You should see a doctor immediately if you have ringing in the ears accompanied by sudden hearing loss.
7. Some medications Some antibiotics, analgesics, cardiac drugs, anticonvulsants, antihistamines and others can have tinnitus as a side effect. Please check with your doctor.
8. Meniere’s Disease An attack of Meniere’s disease is where sudden dizziness is accompanied by ringing in the ears, ear pressure within the ear and hearing loss.
How to Stop Ringing in the Ears
It is important to keep your ears clean and wear ear protection in noisy environments. If the ringing in your ears is temporary then this is the best way to avoid making it worse. If you have ringing in the ears together with sudden hearing loss then you should go and see a doctor immediately to eliminate serious causes such as a stroke. Unfortunately there’s no quick and easy solution for permanent tinnitus. You should also see a doctor to eliminate any possible causes mentioned above that are curable either by cleaning your ears or changing medication. If your ringing in the ears becomes permanent then, at present, there is little that can be done. Research into tinnitus is still continuing. There are things you can do to help you cope with the ringing. Tinnitus maskers can ease the condition and help with any hearing loss.
A good start will be a Hearing test and consultation to find a solution that will work for you.
Call Today 765-342-3324
Free Hearing Test @ 69 N Colfax St Suite 1 B, Martinsville IN 46151